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MEI Awards Winners Product Detail

Selected Award KIA-1KW Portable Type Mini-Inductor

KIA-1KW Portable Type Mini-Inductor
KIA-1KW Portable Type Mini-Inductor
Guangdong DuroPower Industries Ltd
Industrial Equipment & Components
The Portable Type Mini-Inductor is a new type of miniature magnetic induction heater, which is a highly efficient, low energy consumption, low cost, safe, simple operation and durable tool for auto repair and machine repair. It is mainly used for dismantling and repairing cars, bolts, nuts, gears, pulleys, pulleys, bearings, etc. that are rusty and difficult to disassemble during the mechanical process, and also used to easily dismantle body stickers. Mainly focusing on the auto repair tool industry and the mechanical repair tool industry, combined with the repair tool distribution chains of international countries to expand the sales market. As we all know, the world's largest auto repair tool market is mainly distributed in Europe, America and some Asian developing countries , Mainly developed countries. The new magnetic induction heater is not only portable, efficient, but also very safe, and can completely replace the traditional flame heating method. In recent years, with the vigorous development of the automobile industry and the internationalization of the industry, mainly in Europe, parts of the Americas and Asia are developing, and developed countries are supplemented. The automobile and mechanical maintenance tool industries are on the rise. The favor of modernization and miniaturization of high-efficiency tools determines the market demand for this product.
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