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MEI Awards Winners Product Detail

Selected Award Semiconductor product robot loading and unloading production line

Semiconductor product robot loading and unloading production line
Semiconductor product robot loading and unloading production line
WuXi JingJie Robot Technology Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing & Processing Machinery
Our company's robot loading and unloading production line has successfully entered the semiconductor industry (world's leading company in the semiconductor industry: Lite-On Group Wuxi Branch). The robot can pick up semiconductor wafers with a thickness of less than one-third millimeters for surface sand blowing ! Our robot loading and unloading automation equipment should be in the leading position in technology in the Chinese semiconductor industry. Semiconductor products have certain disadvantages to the human body. Long-term work has a bad impact on human health, and our equipment just solved This problem, at the same time reduce labor costs, greatly improve product quality
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